12 November 2007


after i come to canada , i am often sick (stomach).
actually i can not control my appetite.
after i eat lot of food, for example , i could not disgest too much food . therefor i was sick, because of food.
and then i eat the food , i often take a medicine.
more day that activity is more habit.
last on friday i was sick , so i didnt go to my school. i took a break in house .
i couldnt enjoy to a school activity on friday.

i think that when i live far from my family , i should protect my health by myself.
but these day i cant guard and endure in front of the food.
i already gain 14pound for my weight.
i am afraid that if i go back to my country , my family wont figure out me.

Aready, my clothing doesnt be fit my body.
i should buy more clothes for present my body.ㅠㅠ
so sad story.. right?

how should i do?


Jeff L. said...

That's too bad...I hope you're feeling better now!

Jin said...

oh, I can totally understand you feeling. so sad....-_-;;